
How to play Quidditch?

Quidditch is played on a large oval field with three vertical hoops on either side. Each team consists of seven players: a Seeker, a Keeper, two Beaters, and three Chasers.

The game begins with the release of a small, golden, winged ball called the Snitch. The Seeker's job is to catch the Snitch, which is worth 150 points and ends the game immediately. The Seeker's job is the most important position on the team, as catching the Snitch usually ensures a win.

The other six players engage in gameplay to score points. The Chasers try to score by throwing the Quaffle (a large, red ball) through one of the opposing team's hoops, which is worth 10 points per goal. The Keeper defends their own team's hoops from the opposing Chasers. The Beaters use bats to hit two other balls, called Bludgers, to try to knock opposing players off their brooms and disrupt their gameplay.

The game ends when the Snitch is caught or the game is stopped by the officials. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Quidditch is a very fast-paced, physical game that requires a great deal of skill and athleticism from its players.