


Veritaserum: A powerful truth-telling potion that forces the drinker to answer any questions truthfully. It is a clear, colorless liquid that has no taste or odor, and is one of the most powerful and dangerous truth serums in existence. It is incredibly difficult to make and tightly regulated by the Ministry of Magic.

Wolfsbane Potion: A potion that allows werewolves to retain their human mind and avoid transforming into a wolf during the full moon. It is a complex potion that requires a number of rare ingredients and several months to brew. Werewolves who drink the Wolfsbane Potion are able to live relatively normal lives and avoid the dangers of their condition.

Amortentia: A powerful love potion that causes the drinker to become infatuated with the person who administered the potion. It has a distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen and a distinctive aroma that varies depending on the person who smells it. The potion is highly dangerous and strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic.

Felix Felicis: Also known as "Liquid Luck," Felix Felicis is a potion that brings good luck to the drinker for a short period of time. It is a difficult potion to brew, requiring a number of rare and expensive ingredients, and is highly prized by witches and wizards who are seeking to accomplish difficult or dangerous tasks.

Polyjuice Potion: A potion that allows the drinker to take on the appearance of another person. It requires a number of rare ingredients and several weeks to brew, and the person whose appearance is being assumed must provide a piece of their body, such as a strand of hair. The effects of the potion last for several hours, and the drinker is able to assume the appearance of the other person down to the smallest details.

Skele-gro: A potion that regrows bones. It is a thick, gray liquid with an unpleasant taste, and is used to treat injuries such as broken bones. The effects of the potion are immediate, and new bones can be seen growing rapidly. However, the regrown bones are known to be very fragile and require several days to fully harden.